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Get the Course

Empower yourself to take control of your home's energy usage.

The Home Energy Course gives you everything you need to finally understand your home, take action, and implement upgrades that will improve your comfort, create energy security and increase your bank account balance.

I'm empowered, let's go

   Is your thermostat a battleground?

   Do you fear the energy bill reveal?

   Are your sinuses constantly mad at you?

   Do you know absolutely nothing about the way your home uses energy?

   Are you concerned you’ll be in the dark if there’s a blackout? 

If your neck is getting stiff from the nodding, you’re not alone.

Saving energy in your home is not something you were probably taught.

If you were, you probably got some cookie-cutter advice like freeze your butt off in the winter to save money or run around like a chicken with your head cut off turning off lights. And that’s not super helpful.

The hard truth.

Many homes are not built to promote health and save energy. When they were built, older methods were used that are quite literally costing you money in this modern era.

Sure you could spend hours Googling and researching the best home energy solutions, but you’ll get super generic advice.  And without a foundation of understanding, you’ll just have a lot of ideas.  You need actionable methods that will work for your home specifically

Ok, I know what I want, letā€™s get started.

The 21st century called.

It says your home needs
an energy upgrade...STAT

The 21st century called.

It says your home needs
an energy upgrade...STAT

It’s the easy-to-digest, scientifically-backed course that pulls you out of the dark and empowers you to take control of the way your home uses energy. By implementing the actionable advice inside, you will:

    Slash your energy bill like crazy (or even drop it to $0)

    Keep Netflix on even when your neighbors are all in the dark from
a power outage

    Unapologetically keep your house at a comfortable temperature
all year round

    Modernize your home with energy-saving technology

    Feel empowered to hire the right service providers and make
home update decisions

    Be in the know about the right energy upgrade plan for your

    Slash your energy bill like crazy (or even drop it to $0)

    Keep Netflix on even when your neighbors are all in the dark from
a power outage

    Unapologetically keep your house at a comfortable temperature
all year round

    Modernize your home with energy-saving technology

    Feel empowered to hire the right service providers and make
home update decisions

    Be in the know about the right energy upgrade plan for your

Ready for an upgrade

What's Inside the Course

 Part 1
Understanding Your Energy Bill

You get it every month. It sometimes makes you scream and throw sweaters at your family. But what’s actually causing your energy bill to be so dang expensive? In this section, we’ll decipher your energy bill so you can start to reduce it or even drive it down to $0.

 Part 2
Creating a Comfy Home

You want to save money, but it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort. In this section, we’ll dive into the enclosures and major systems that are affecting your home’s energy usage. This way, you can save money without turning into a puddle of sweat in the summer.

 Part 3
The Power of Solar & Storage

It’s no secret - solar is the future. In this section, we’ll make solar energy and energy feel less daunting so you can design the correct solar system, choose the great equipment, have an actionable strategy, hire the right contractors, and start slashing your energy bill.

Yes, I want to be a Ninja
Yes, you better believe it, after this course, you will be a home energy ninja!

What's Inside the Course

What's Inside the Course

 Part 1
Understanding Your Energy Bill

You get it every month. It sometimes makes you scream and throw sweaters at your family. But what’s actually causing your energy bill to be so dang expensive? In this section, we’ll decipher your energy bill so you can start to reduce it or even drive it down to $0.

 Part 2
Creating a Comfy Home

You want to save money, but it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort. In this section, we’ll dive into the enclosures and major systems that are affecting your home’s energy usage. This way, you can save money without turning into a puddle of sweat in the summer.

 Part 3
The Power of Solar & Storage

It’s no secret - solar is the future. In this section, we’ll make solar energy and energy feel less daunting so you can design the correct solar system, choose the great equipment, have an actionable strategy, hire the right contractors, and start slashing your energy bill.

Get the Course
Yes, you better believe it, after this course, you will be a home energy ninja!

Let’s empower you to successfully upgrade your home.

Hi, I’m Spencer, the founder of the Home Energy Academy. I’ve always been a bit of a compassionate science nerd, so when I saw how home building techniques and energy-saving ‘solutions’ were actually hurting your health, comfort, and wallet...I knew I had to act.

So I crawled around attics and climbed roofs for 8 years, uncovering secrets that were screwing up the way your house uses energy. And sure, you could put on an old t-shirt and get on your hands and knees -- but I got all those scrapes, so you don’t have to. Through multiple projects, in-depth solar energy education, and years of experience, I discovered the methods that homeowners can use to optimize their home’s energy efficiency. Now, I provide the leading education program on whole-home energy projects, so you can make simple fixes that’ll improve your health, comfort, and bank account balance.

Because I’m willing to bet your home is *literally* sucking money through the vents.

This course is for you if you:

    Want to be a savvy homeowner

    Dream of having a technologically advanced home

    Dislike throwing money at your utility company

    Are ready to end the never-ending thermostat war

    Enjoy feeling secure that your home can handle harsh winters

    Want to protect your home and family from power outages

    Care about getting a great value for every dollar you spend

    Want the inside scoop so you make informed upgrade decisions

Yes! This describes me!

This course is for you if you:

    Want to be a savvy homeowner

    Dream of having a technologically advanced home

    Dislike throwing money at your utility company

    Are ready to end the never-ending thermostat war

    Enjoy feeling secure that your home can handle harsh winters

    Want to protect your home and family from power outages

    Care about getting a great value for every dollar you spend

    Want the inside scoop so you make informed upgrade decisions

Yes! This describes me!

Your dream home has already arrived!

Join the hundreds of other Home Energy Insiders who have worked with Spencer to achieve energy independence!

Is It Worth It?

Ok, letā€™s do it

Let us take all the risk out of the equation for you

Hi, I’m Spencer, the founder of the Home Energy Academy. I’ve always been a bit of a compassionate science nerd, so when I saw how home building techniques and energy-saving ‘solutions’ were actually hurting your health, comfort, and wallet...I knew I had to act.

So I crawled around attics and climbed roofs for 8 years, uncovering secrets that were screwing up the way your house uses energy. And sure, you could put on an old t-shirt and get on your hands and knees -- but I got all those scrapes, so you don’t have to. Through multiple projects, in-depth solar energy education, and years of experience, I discovered the methods that homeowners can use to optimize their home’s energy efficiency. Now, I provide the leading education program on whole-home energy projects, so you can make simple fixes that’ll improve your health, comfort, and bank account balance.

Because I’m willing to bet your home is *literally* sucking money through the vents.

Iā€™m in. Sign me up

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